Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Well, I have nothing exciting to report really. It's dead week, which means I should be studying for finals but I'm not. I'm waiting for class to start, mom, so don't get mad.

I can't believe I am down to my last 2 weeks of college. In fact, I only have two classes left in my college career. And two tests, but I'd rather not think about that right now. I will have taken 20 sets of finals by the time I graduate next Friday. Gross. At least they are over! Unless I decide to go back to school, which right now is not happening.

I got to go home this past weekend to hang out with my family and have a final meeting with our reception venue (which I am obsessed with. Thank you for finding it mom). It was so fun to be with the fam. My mom now has 3 dresses for the wedding. We are thinking she might just keep all 3 and change into them throughout the night ;) We also made cinnamon rolls, which are awesome. I have been eating them for breakfast but now I'm out of frosting, which is the best part. Not sure what I am going to do with the ones I have left.

The invitations for the wedding are finally out! What a relief. I have already gotten some RSVPs in too :) It is sneaking up here very quickly and let's face it, I still have a lot to do. Like finish my shoes for example. Still. I think I have decided to do them differently, but stay tuned for that. Not like anyone really cares what they look like but me, but still I like to complain about them.

I have a long time until class starts so here is a list of things I did in college that I didn't think I would do/were fun/scary/things you can't do when you're not in college:

1. Joined a sorority
2. Got into a serious relationship
3. Slept on the floor for an entire semester
4. Drove (got driven) to New York City & got to feed a giraffe
5. Participated in greek week (& was a co-chair & won first place)
6. Went to a Spice Girls concert
7. Experienced VEISHEA
8. Joined a committee for the Fashion Show
9. Got to be a Rho Gamma
10. Got engaged
11. Went to Italy
12. Lived in California
13. Made a lot of friends
14. Tried a billion new kinds of food
15. Experienced FAC
16. Played broomball

This is going to be a running list for the next 2 weeks I think, since I obviously did a lot more than that. Or at least I'd like to think that I did.

Okay bye.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I can't think of a better name for this post. I have so much to do in the next 2 months, and yet I sit here writing on this blog, eating, and watching the biggest loser (note: I am having a healthy dinner :))

The past couple weeks have been really busy, and I don't really see an end to that soon. I might have already said this, but I am booked solid until like the middle of May. For some reason, I have all of these random little things that are coming up unexpectedly too, which only adds to the chaos.

This week is "fashion week" at Iowa State. I will be selling t shirts and showing around a bunch of high school kids in addition to being at 3 dress rehearsals plus the fashion show. Let's just say I am really looking forward to Sunday. Being involved with the fashion show this year has been really fun, but I am about at the end of my rope with it.

I am very excited about my pledge class's upcoming graduation party. I sent out maybe 8 invites on facebook today. I am mildly irritated that someone else invited my own fiance before I could, but I am sure that by the end of the night I will be over it. Free food & drinks...nothing to be mad about there :)

I think that each day closer to the wedding brings another thing for me to do. My mom & aunt came up this past weekend to dress shop for it, and by the time they left I think I added about 12 things to my to-do list. It's getting really stressful but I am so so excited. It will be worth it :) Plus, in 68 days I will be sipping on a fruity drink on the warm beaches of Jamaica! My goal for the end of this month is to finish my freakin shoes. Only 9845396735984 billion rhinestones left to add. Wish me luck.

I'm feeling like I should go do something useful with my free time....so until next time.
xoxo e
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