transfer eve

Thursday, January 23, 2020
Our transfer is tomorrow! These past few weeks have been strange- I've been thinking of everything in terms of pre-transfer and post-transfer (because hopefully post-transfer, I'll be pregnant!). I went to an event earlier this week with the dog rescue I volunteer with and thought to myself this is my last hurrah before I'm pregnant and last night I had to check our fridge for any of "my" beer (the dark, delicious kind) to drink before I can't for a long time. So strange to know when it's going to happen vs. have it be a surprise!

This past Sunday I started my second round of injections (the final med I have to take!) in preparation for the transfer. I'll do these injections as well as continue with estrogen replacement (supplement? I'm not a doctor) until the pregnancy is well established. Thankfully, because of some advice to grab an ice pack, the injections aren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. On the other hand, the aftermath is totally lame- my injection sites are really sore, like I completed an intense workout that focused only on that area (I assure you, I did not). Since the injections are intramuscular, I guess I should have expected that! All good though- small potatoes in the grand scope. I also have a helper that sits with me during the injections and holds my warm compress, which helps a lot ;) And shoutout to Kameron for being willing to give me the injections!

Sorry for the repeat photo if you follow my Instagram. The needle on the right was for my first round, and the one on the left is what I'm currently using for my injections. Slightly more intimidating! :)

Tomorrow, we go into the clinic after lunch and they'll do the transfer and then we just wait. I'll go back to the clinic for a blood test 10 (ish) days after the transfer to see if the embryo stuck. Please send all of your good vibes and thoughts our way! It seems unreal that a year ago I was starting this process by filling out a bunch of paperwork without a clue what the future would hold, and now I'm counting down the hours until I'll have the honor of carrying Zack and Kelly's embryo. Whew, wish us luck!! 

Boris, my shot helper and compress holder. Who doesn't love an extra puppy photo?

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