It's only tuesday?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
As you might be able to tell by the title of this, I am definitely ready for the weekend already. And it's only tuesday. Sounds like I am in for a long next few days. This weekend I am going home on saturday for some birthdays! I haven't hung out with my at home friends for a long time. Hope it's fun!

In my last post, I complained about the weather. But then it got really nice! (like 60 degrees nice) I didn't even wear a coat to class at the end of last week! Unfortunately, it's back to 30 ish degrees now. BUT the groundhog did say we are having an early spring, so I am crossing my fingers that it comes...early.

I have been crossing my fingers for a lot lately. For K to get into the grad schools he wants, for me to find a job, for my (and my mom's probably) sanity regarding wedding planning, for my sweet part time job that I should be finding out about in the next couple days, for the weather, etc etc. Guess I just have a lot to hope & pray for! I can't believe it's already almost the end of February.

I haven't felt like writing lately, so hopefully that will change. xoxo e
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Oh February, I wish you brought warm weather and sunshine with you. I am tired of the snow and cold. I know, I know-I live in Iowa, I should be used to it, blah blah blah. That doesn't mean I like it.

So far, the superbowl commercials are sucking. I don't like either team, but I'm watching it anyways. Sort of wishing I was at home eating good food with my fam. Next weekend though :)

I have been working a lot-ish lately. Best conversation starter ever yesterday:
Guy: "I bought a diamond ring & diamond necklace for two different people yesterday. I broke up with one of them, so can I bring it back?"
Whaaat? Do people really date two different people at one time? Well I know they do, but really? Apparently he also had one of his lady friends WITH HIM when he bought both things. You have got to be kidding me! People are weird, end of story. At least I got a laugh out of it?

I was sick this past week with a gross cold (thank you, best friend). I feel soo guilty because I didn't work out on wednesday or friday since I couldn't really breathe. Definitely looking forward to tomorrow morning to get back on the right track. K's birthday is a week from tomorrow also-going to be 22! Which is weird. I was talking yesterday about being 10. That was almost 12 years ago, what the heck. Also contemplating getting another job. There is a Buffalo Wild Wings opening here soon, and I would love to have more money to get wedding stuff. But do I waste my last semester of college working? Or have fun but be poor? Can't decide.

Going to update my wedding website so that I don't get a phone call from my mom & Debbie harassing me about it :)
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