31 weeks

Monday, May 9, 2016

Catching up...

how far along: 31 weeks + 3 days
weight gain: 18 lbs! happy to not have my doctor hounding me about it this time.
best moment this week: the boys took me out for mother's day and it was such a wonderful day! 
worst moment this week: not being able to button the last of my pre pregnancy pants (i know, whine whine. but they were really comfortable.)
miss anything?: getting a good night's sleep, walking in public without people staring at me
symptoms & movement: headaches are starting to come back- not surprised, as they did with beckett around this time, too. so much movement, especially before bed.
cravings & aversions: was craving shrimp for a few days, and panda express. 
things to add: we are down to single digits of weeks! we put a twin bed in beckett's room this weekend and moved the crib to the nursery. it's getting real!

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