Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I can't decide if I think time is going very slowly or very fast. First semester definitely flew by. I can't believe I have 4 months left of college and 5 months left until I get married. I keep freaking myself out thinking about it! Not that I'm not excited, but I've spent the last 3.5 years living with roughly 60 of my closest friends. I have done basically everything with them-laughed, cried, screamed, danced-you name it. So it's going to be weird to live with a guy. Again, don't get me wrong, I'm excited. It's just weird to think about.

Rant of the day-Ugg boots. I can't count the number of times that I have seen a facebook status, article in the Daily, or other random thing dissing Uggs. I will give the haters this-they're not that cute BUT these people have clearly never put their foot in one and walked across campus. They're comfortable and warm and make my journey to class a little less painful. Anyways-people can just keep hating because the boots are warm and comfy and I'd rather be both of those than freezing but cute.

Erin & I are mid-bachelorette party conversation and I am SO EXCITED. I'm trying to find a cute dress.
Also excited for 145 days from now, when I am laying on the beach in Jamaica instead of ice skating to class. So much to look forward too.

I leave you with a picture of my cake topper that took me roughly 100000 hours to finish.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the cold? I can't wait until we have weather above 50 degrees again. I am just thinking about the walk back to my apartment that I'll be taking at 6:30...brr.

This week has been really weird. I am not really adjusted to my new schedule, so I keep feeling like I'm missing something like a class or work. I can't say that I hate it though :) Right now I am sitting in good old LeBaron Hall, waiting for my next class to start (not for another 52 minutes). I am already caught up on my homework for the week too!

My thought of the day today is about the rec center. I have been working out routinely since coming back to Ames, and I'm really proud of myself! Santa brought me some awesome new tennies (thanks SantaMom!), and it makes me much more motivated for some reason. Since school started on monday, the rec has been reaaaaally busy. Everyone is trying to squeeze in their new year's resolution, so there's like twice as many people there than normal. It's a little bit annoying, but good for all those people who are getting their butts to the gym (even if the only do go for a week or 2). I am definitely not the patron saint of working out, but I am pretty sure that the chaos will die down in the next week or two, because people will give up. What irritates me though, is the people who are constantly making fun of all the new people at the rec. Maybe it irritates me cause I'm new-ish (although it wasn't a new years resolution-more of a wedding one), and maybe it's a little bit because they're just being mean for no reason. Yes, rec regulars, I get that you want to be able to spend 2 hours on the elliptical and that you can't with all the extra people, but making fun of them is not going to make them disappear.

Well there's my rant for the day. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of those on here, haha. I can't tell my roommates because one doesn't go to the rec often (although she did say she wants to come with me! just forgot her tennis shoes) and one is a rec regular, so she is hating it. And K will look at me like I am a freak.

On a side note, I really like referring to people by their first initial because it makes me feel like I am on gossip girl, haha.


giving this a shot

Friday, January 7, 2011
I am hoping this semester that I'm going to have spare time on my hands. So I think I am going to try to revive my blog again and spill my random thoughts. We'll see.

Firstly-I am not a fan of this background. But since I am not blog savvy, I think it'll remain the way it is for now :) Secondly-Let me laugh at my title until I can think of a better one.

I am pretty sure that me writing on here is like me talking to myself. I know my mom used to read it, when I was in Florence/LA, but I doubt she remembers that it exists now. So if anyone is actually reading this, then hello :) If not, whatever.

I am hugely unimpressed with 2011 so far. Usually, I am good at being optimistic about almost everything, but for some reason I am getting seriously irritated with people that normally don't bother me. I just feel like people are continuously trying to be something that they're not, and I don't see the fun in that. That's why we have halloween ONCE a year. Dress up like something you wish you were and get it out of your system. Sorry about that rant!

Since I like making lists, here is a short one. The top 5 things I am looking forward to in the next 6 months...
1. my best friend's birthday (i have so many things up my sleeve for this)
2. marrying kameron :)
3. jamaica
4. getting a house to make into a home (and maybe a dog!)
5. SPRING/SUMMER (i am so sick of weather under 50 degrees)

Wellll this has been random, but bear with me!
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