giving this a shot

Friday, January 7, 2011
I am hoping this semester that I'm going to have spare time on my hands. So I think I am going to try to revive my blog again and spill my random thoughts. We'll see.

Firstly-I am not a fan of this background. But since I am not blog savvy, I think it'll remain the way it is for now :) Secondly-Let me laugh at my title until I can think of a better one.

I am pretty sure that me writing on here is like me talking to myself. I know my mom used to read it, when I was in Florence/LA, but I doubt she remembers that it exists now. So if anyone is actually reading this, then hello :) If not, whatever.

I am hugely unimpressed with 2011 so far. Usually, I am good at being optimistic about almost everything, but for some reason I am getting seriously irritated with people that normally don't bother me. I just feel like people are continuously trying to be something that they're not, and I don't see the fun in that. That's why we have halloween ONCE a year. Dress up like something you wish you were and get it out of your system. Sorry about that rant!

Since I like making lists, here is a short one. The top 5 things I am looking forward to in the next 6 months...
1. my best friend's birthday (i have so many things up my sleeve for this)
2. marrying kameron :)
3. jamaica
4. getting a house to make into a home (and maybe a dog!)
5. SPRING/SUMMER (i am so sick of weather under 50 degrees)

Wellll this has been random, but bear with me!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! keep blogging! I am doing a project 365 just to make myself update mine! haha. usually im not so great at it.. but it gets a little better... kinda

    When I finally get back to Iowa we should get together! Im so excited that your getting married!! yay!

    Good to read.. if you have any blogging questions I would love to share some knowledge.. i dont really know a lot.. but i would love to share anything that I know!!


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