I can't decide if I think time is going very slowly or very fast. First semester definitely flew by. I can't believe I have 4 months left of college and 5 months left until I get married. I keep freaking myself out thinking about it! Not that I'm not excited, but I've spent the last 3.5 years living with roughly 60 of my closest friends. I have done basically everything with them-laughed, cried, screamed, danced-you name it. So it's going to be weird to live with a guy. Again, don't get me wrong, I'm excited. It's just weird to think about.
Rant of the day-Ugg boots. I can't count the number of times that I have seen a facebook status, article in the Daily, or other random thing dissing Uggs. I will give the haters this-they're not that cute BUT these people have clearly never put their foot in one and walked across campus. They're comfortable and warm and make my journey to class a little less painful. Anyways-people can just keep hating because the boots are warm and comfy and I'd rather be both of those than freezing but cute.
Erin & I are mid-bachelorette party conversation and I am SO EXCITED. I'm trying to find a cute dress.
Also excited for 145 days from now, when I am laying on the beach in Jamaica instead of ice skating to class. So much to look forward too.
I leave you with a picture of my cake topper that took me roughly 100000 hours to finish.

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