Mountain Time

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hello from Colorado!

This is weird. Maybe it's because K has been busy for the past 2 days, so I sit at home car-less, tv-less, and jacked up on iced tea. I wake up every day (so far) at like 8 or 830. Really? Who am I? Maybe it's because I'm not used to mountain time yet, so my body really thinks I am waking up at 930. Also maybe it's because I'm sleeping on the world's most uncomfortable air mattress.

It is freaking hot in Colorado. It's freezing at night (K likes to sleep with the sliding glass door open) and then it's like two thousand degrees of just pure hotness during the day. I'm used to Iowa where it's humid and hot and you feel sticky instantly when you go outside. But here, instead of sticky I feel dehydrated and like I am starting to shrivel up. I'm sure it's all in my head.

I am trying moderately hard to get settled here, which is difficult because we don't have all of our stuff. Thankfully we will have it by Thursday night, but then comes the unpacking part which makes me tired just thinking about it. Living on the second floor is so great because there is a gorgeous view and it makes me feel a little safer, but carrying all that stuff up the stairs makes me want to ask our downstairs neighbors if they'd like to trade apartments. Mostly everything that we brought with us in our cars has been unpacked with the exception of clothes. I have become mildly obsessed with our Keurig (chai tea!) and iced tea maker. I didn't even like iced tea two weeks ago and today alone I have finished almost a whole pitcher. K bought a router for our internet yesterday which I am extremely grateful for, because I spent a good hour sitting in our closet where the ethernet is hooked up so that I could be online. Cable doesn't get hooked up until Saturday, so the router has been especially wonderful today. My cousin Gretchen and her roommate came to visit me yesterday, which was awesome because it kept my mind off of moving and being alone. I am excited to go visit her in Denver soon (they have a Tiffany's there!) and for our outing with the boys to a Rockies game.

That's all for now. I'll post again after we get our stuff!
xoxo e

life as a wife

Friday, June 24, 2011
I am happy to say that K and I have been married for almost 2 weeks now and are both still happy and alive ;)

The wedding was wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better day/people there/reception/groom/anything else. It was just awesome. I will admit that I am slightly relieved that it is over, but it was well worth all the stress and planning.

We also enjoyed our week in Jamaica. I really should post a picture, but unfortunately that will have to wait, as my camera cord is packed somewhere in the depths of our belongings. The honeymoon was so relaxing and nice after a week of chaos. The weather was beautiful and the staff at our resort were all so nice. I wish we were still there!

It doesn't feel super different (yet...?) being married. The only difference I have noticed is that it's really hard to sign K's last name in cursive, and that sometimes people ask me about my husband and I do kind of this confused look like I don't really know what they're talking about. Surely I will get used to both of the above ;)

Tomorrow is my last day of work in Iowa (for now). We are leaving bright and early on Sunday for Colorado, which I am both happy and sad about. I think it will be awesome to just kind of start our own thing and experience a new setting, but I am not so sure about leaving my family & friends behind. I know it will be fine in the long run & that K will take good care of me, but I can't help but worry a little. In other unexciting news, our puppy is not actually due until July 11th which really kind of sucks. The woman made a mistake on her website and felt really bad, but oh well. We are just ready for a fur-baby.

...And speaking of babies, one of the girls from Alpha Chi sent out an email this morning. She is going to have a baby in January! She graduated 2 years before me and married a guy from K's fraternity. It's crazy to think that they are going to have a child, and that K and I will be in that same boat in a few (long) years. Anyways, I am really excited for her and hope that I will be at least like 27 before I have kids. I'm not ready to give up my princess attitude quite yet.

Well, maybe when we are settled in Colorado I will post a few pictures from the wedding and honeymoon and other recent happenings. But for now, bye!

procrastination at it's finest

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Has anyone else ever noticed that I pretty much only write on here when I could be doing other things? (I say that like multiple people actually read this, ha!)

It's technically wedding week, starting today. I am about 99% sure that most of my friends would rather strangle me with their bare hands than listen to me talk about more wedding stuff. Bare with me, only 6 more days.

This morning, I put 200 stickers on 200 little cellophane bags with the help of my little bro. Some of my guests may think I was drinking during this process, because all of the stickers that Christopher was responsible for are noticeably crooked. That's okay though, after going through this wedding process once, I don't know why more people don't drink during these activities! I also washed like 15 glass containers (without breaking any, yay!) and put the chapstick in it's little bucket. And then I made pizza rolls and thought of more things to do. And then I got on my computer.

In other news, we are moving to Colorado a week earlier than originally planned. Our puppy is also supposed to be born on the wedding day, so I am pretty excited to see that little guy. Also, I got my diploma in the mail...weeee! It's official.

Guess I better go practice my new signature now or something....

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