25 + 26 weeks

Monday, April 4, 2016

how far along: 26 weeks + 3 days
weight gain: guessing 10 ish lbs
best moment this week: my cousin (who is one of my best friends) came up to visit us! we also got a new kitchen table last weekend, which was so exciting for me because it's our first big piece of new furniture. you know you're an adult when...
worst moment this week: hmm...i can't think of anything particularly bad!
miss anything?: sleeping
symptoms & movement: same as the past few weeks, though my headaches have died down a little bit. fingers crossed it stays that way. lots of movement, especially at night!
cravings & aversions: had a major craving for donut holes and skittles that are in the blue bag. not a big fan of meat or eggs.
things to add: i can't believe boom's arrival is about 3 months away! seems so crazy!
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