the lasts...

Friday, July 23, 2010
whoa-the last time i posted was about 13 days ago! oops :)

so much has happened since then! i have made about a billion butterfly necklaces at work (so exciting, i know), won the second intern contest, finished beading the bodice of a dress i have been working on forever, and started another contest. we also went to las vegas!
the newest (and last) contest at work was to design and create a necklace. right up my alley ;) it was so fun, and i got to help the other interns learn how to put theirs together. i should put up a bunch of pictures of all of the stuff we have done, maybe i will do that next friday when i am anxiously awaiting my flight for saturday :) meghan comes back to the office on monday, so i am looking forward to that. i'm also a little nervous, because i have gotten so used to being around christen (the design assistant, my boss for the last 7 weeks) and doing things her way that i am afraid it will be a complete 180 when meghan gets back. i am looking forward to spending the last week with her though. i can't believe i only have 4 days of work left!
tomorrow we have the going away dinner for the program at the geisha house. it's the same restaurant that kameron and i went to when he was here. i am glad we're going there again, it was delicious! other than that, i plan on doing a lot of "lasts" this weekend. for example, i just put my last load of laundry in :) i'm hoping to go shopping or something to pass a little time and get out and around LA for my last weekend. we shall see!
vegas was interesting. but fun mostly. it was so HOT. i could not believe it. at 10 pm we walked around the strip and it was still like 90 degrees. what the heck! i guess that's what you get in a desert though. i am proud to report that i went into three tiffany's stores! i wish i was a billionaire though. i also gambled for the first time and won $30.62! and i only gambled $10 :)
i am done rambling, but here is my list (sequel to my list from italy) of things i will miss and not miss!

things i'll miss in LA:
1. santa monica beach-love this place. it's so relaxing and cute
2. the coffee bean-maybe they have these in iowa? i don't think so. but either way, i'll miss the red velvet cupcakes & chai tea until we are reunited :)
3. christen & karina at meg fab-taught me almost everything i've learned this summer. they're so fun to work with and always helped me get through the days
4. kristina-though our end was a bit of a struggle, i know it's not the end of being friends! i learned a lot from her (coffee bean!), and had a lot of fun too :)

things i will not miss in LA:
1. the public busses-so dumb. but definitely a character builder
2. frozen yogurt-its good, but where the heck is dairy queen? and coldstone? i want real ice cream!
3. the joke of a shower i have in my apartment...i literally have to squat a little to wash my hair.
4. the "bed" in my apartment-is this a concrete slab? and is my pillow honestly made of plastic? yes to all the above.
5. my apartment in general, obviously
6. being 898776098980 miles away from home. that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but thats what it feels like.

well i think i'll keep that as a running list, just in case i think of more between now and next friday. stay tuned ;)
see you in ONE WEEK!

three weeks...

Saturday, July 10, 2010
3 weeks from today i'll be home! i can't wait.

today we went to the dodgers vs. cubs game. it was fun :) the cubs won-i don't watch baseball enough to have a team, but i was glad they won since they're closer to home. i also won the bet kameron & i made :)
at work this week we finally finished up the shipment that we are sending out of all of the old & (repaired) damaged garments. it's a huge relief because that means i'll be done sewing on care/content labels and random things like that. i'm sure i'll still have to do some but at least it won't be days and days of it! i won the first contest we did too! we had to design the straps of a dress, and it'll get put on the website and named after me. maybe i'll post the link to it on here when it goes up! we started a second contest as well, with bead layouts for a top. i think the plan is to do one every week! i'm glad because they're fun. wish me luck :) on friday we also got taken out to lunch by our boss's business partner for doing so well! we went to this cool ramen noodle place that's been on the show man vs. food. it was delicious!
next weekend we are going to vegas! just for an overnight from saturday to sunday, but i'm really excited. then the weekend after that is our going away dinner, and the weekend after that i'll be home!
love love love

happy birthday to me :)

Monday, July 5, 2010
it's my birthday! wahooo!

this weekend was amazing. i wish it could just continue until the end of july. wouldn't that be nice. i didn't have to work on friday so kristina & i ran a few errands. she left for home around 1, and the waiting began. i literally did everything i could possibly think of to make time go faster. painted my nails, did laundry, took a really long shower, packed for the weekend, etc. finally i left for the airport. only to do more waiting once i got there! but luckily i brought a great book, and time went quickly. it was so exciting to see kameron finally! since it was so late, we just went to the hotel and slept. saturday we got up & came to my apartment. i gave him a little tour, and then we took the bus (haha-had have him get the experience) to my work so he could see my building. then we shopped around a little and headed to rodeo drive to check it out. since we couldn't afford anything there we didn't stay for long :) we went to hollywood blvd next to look at the walk of fame and go through madame tussaud's wax museum. it was so fun :) we finished our day with dinner at the geisha house. it was soo good-sushi, lobster tempura, and these weird (but good) little peppers. for the 4th, we decided to go to santa monica beach. it was really discouraging to get up to an overcast sky! that's how it usually is here in the mornings, so we weren't too worried. it made for a chilly start to our day, but the sun ended up coming out and it was beautiful. we both got a little sunburned but it was worth it! after the beach we went and cleaned up a little at the hotel and watched some fireworks. then we went to the saddle ranch chop house to eat and wait for it to turn midnight! i had a pretty epic first drink, but i don't think i would drink it again! it was sad for him to leave today, but only 4 more weeks until i'm home! oh and i forgot to mention how much i LOVE my new camera that kameron got me for my birthday. (thanks again babe!)

well now that i've typed a giant run-on paragraph, i think i'll let your eyes rest! i'll update again later this week.
miss you!
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