13 weeks

Monday, April 21, 2014

how far along: 13 weeks, yay 2nd trimester!!
weight gain & stretch marks?: no stretch marks, and I'm afraid to weigh myself. guessing i have not quite made up from my 5lb deficit yet.
best moment this week: spending some time outside in the beautiful weather!
worst moment this week: i can't think of anything!
miss anything?: cocktails...it's about that time of year
symptoms & movement: headaches for lifeeeee. i am just waiting for the day where i don't have to say that.
cravings & aversions: no specific cravings this week, but still hating chicken.
mood: happy!
looking forward to: my mom coming out to visit & consistently warm weather :)

12 weeks

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

how far along: 12 weeks
weight gain & stretch marks?: down 5 lbs somehow & no stretch marks. 
best moment this week: seeing the babe on our ultrasound today! 
worst moment this week: headaches. this might be my answer every week.
miss anything?: not particularly this week
symptoms & movement: headaches & that little bump up there! i could swear i felt a little flutter the other day, but it's still pretty early. who knows.
cravings & aversions: mexican, i need it. not real fond of chicken still. 
mood: so happy :)
looking forward to: my mom's visit in a few weeks & my bump getting big enough that it can't be mistaken for a gut.

we had our 12 week ultrasound this morning and it was so cool to see boo (that's the baby's name until further notice...because halloween, duh) bouncing around in there & looking like an actual baby. last time it looked just like a little blob. we were able to see all the limbs and fingers- so awesome. i couldn't believe how wiggly it was, pushing off my insides to do flips and rolls. the dr. said everything looks great minus my weight loss, and that all i need to worry about is eating more ice cream. yay! 


11 weeks

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

how far along: 11 weeks
weight gain & stretch marks?: breaking even & no stretch marks
best moment this week: the baby being the size of an actual fruit. i've been waiting for this since i was 4 weeks along and the baby was the size of a poppyseed. it's fun to see the fruit at the grocery store and think of the baby being that size, instead of seeing the 8,000 poppyseeds on a bagel.
worst moment this week: more headaches
miss anything?: a solid night of sleep
symptoms & movement: headaches and fatigue. no movement, i think i have a couple weeks to go before we think about that.
cravings & aversions: enchiladas are high on my list of cravings. also slushies/anything cold and icy. chicken is giving me the creeps.
mood: happy and sassy. i have been in a good mood all week but today i was feeling a little feisty.
looking forward to: our appointment next wednesday & busy season being o-v-e-r. 

hockey + pregnant

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
i can't really decide what to start with here. i'm guessing i am the only one that cares about my hockey story, so i suppose i will spare you and start with the pregnancy, that way you can skip to the end if you don't want to read the rest. this is going to be a long one, you've been warned.

so, wahoo! i am 11 weeks pregnant! i haven't taken my 11 week picture yet because my husband is a tax accountant and it's april 4th. stay tuned for that.

we found out on valentine's day (which is also kameron's birthday) and we are pretty jazzed about it. i will try to update this weekly with a picture, but i can't make any promises. also, i know the chalkboard thing is becoming overdone but i have wanted to do it for a while, so deal with it. inspired by the fantastic jessica at little baby garvin. 

due date: late october. that's all you get because due dates are just a little glimmer of hope that your baby should come "around that time." <---straight from the mouth of my doctor (except she gave me an actual date)
how far along: 10 weeks in that picture up there. 11 in real life.
weight gain & stretch marks?: i think i have actually lost about a pound. no stretch marks.
best moment this week: talking nurseries
worst moment this week: feeling like my head might actually fall off. pregnancy headaches are no joke.
miss anything?: sushi, beer, and sleeping through the night. our warm weather "thing" is going to breweries and hanging out on the patio, and that's only half as fun when you can't drink the beer.
symptoms & movement: headaches, random waves of nausea, and fatigue. no movement yet!
cravings & aversions: cravings depend on the day, but i had a weird one for christmas tree cakes the other day. luckily they make them in easter versions. as for aversions, the sight/smell/mention of raw meat.
sex of the baby: we aren't finding out. 
mood: whoaaa baby. i am the definition of mood swings right now. sorry kameron. 
looking forward to: my next appointment, my mama coming to visit, and summer.

on to the next topic: how awesome my husband is/how much i am obsessed with hockey. 

kameron promised me we could go to one more hockey game before the season ended. he went into work on a saturday (see above: tax accountant) and texted me to meet him downtown later. i knew we were going to a game but i figured we were sitting in the cheap seats, because we always do. he told me on the way that we were sitting in the third row behind the avs bench and i about lost it. i had never sat that close before. when we got to the pepsi center, we discovered that there is no row 1 or 2 behind the bench- row 3 is the closest. i could have cried. the game was great and by winning it, the avalanche secured their spot in the playoffs. patrick roy also tossed the first goal puck of the game to me. and i know i am probably the only person who cares about this so i will just leave you with some pictures:

you'll notice that picture is blurry because i am shaking so hard.

i'm not even mad he was blocking my view. 

and i also have to share this because i laugh every time i look at these pictures. i guess we were on tv a few times and two of my coworkers texted me these pictures. i swear to you, i was having a blast. apparently i am an inherently mean looking person. or as my friends put it, i have "resting bitchface." either way, i promise i am typically friendly :)

see you soon, i hope

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