finally here!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
so i am finally sitting in florence! i had the intentions to write while i was in amsterdam (for 7.5 hours...not necessary!) but the internet was like 3 euros for 10 minutes. anyway...the flight from minneapolis to amsterdam was soo long, and i sat behind a girl who reclined her seat from the minute we boarded. it was really uncomfortable, and i only slept for 2 hours...but kameron slept for none so i shouldnt complain :) getting to florence was easy, and so was getting to our hostel, but once we got here it got a little messier. the people who work here are not exactly brilliant. i started to freak out but i am feeling a little better now. tomorrow we were going to try to go to a beach, but i guess we will see how we're both feeling about everything tomorrow. im going to bed for the first time in like 2 days now! 

love love love,


  1. We are glad to hear you are there. Your flight from Amsterdam to Florence would not show if you "actual" departed or arrived or not. Thank you for updating us on your blog.

    I hope you get some sleep and have a great time!


  2. I LOOOOOVE you and im so happy you made it safe and get to sleep!!! HAVE FUN!!!!! dont work to hard!


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