it's happening!

Monday, December 30, 2019
It's been a little bit since my last update! Mostly because we spent a lot of time just waiting. As I mentioned earlier, my OB didn't want to clear me for another pregnancy until December (18 months between pregnancies) and we had to get a legal contract drawn up and signed before we could officially do anything.

But now! Now we have a whole timeline set up and it's just wild to me that it's finally happening. I started injections on Christmas and our transfer is tentatively scheduled for the end of January. I'll go in this week for a baseline ultrasound to make sure the current meds that I'm injecting are doing their job of shutting down my reproductive system, and then I'll start hormone replacement meds this weekend. A week before the transfer, I'll go in for another ultrasound to make sure things are looking good and comfy in there for the embryo. If it is (it will be!), we'll go in for the transfer 7 days later!

I was nervous about the shots initially, but since I had so much time to think about it, I had kind of just accepted them and moved on. And really, they're not bad at all! Yet, anyway. I use tiny insulin needles and do my own injections right now and it barely feels like a pin prick. Sometime in the next couple of weeks, I'll start another med that is injected with 1.5" needles, and I'm a little (lot) more nervous about that. Kameron will do those injections for me and I'm not jazzed about the thought of not being in control of them. He'll do fine. Right?

Send lots of good vibes for my body and the meds to work their magic!

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