28 weeks!

Monday, July 20, 2020
It's hard to believe that I'm sitting here with a 28 week bump, but here we are! This has been such a strange pregnancy because of the state of the world. I mean, there are so many things I worried about with my own pregnancies in normal life, but adding in all that has been going on has just been...wow.

I go in for my glucose test tomorrow morning- blah! It's not really that bad and I am excited to have a quiet hour to myself, but I do hate that I can't drink any water during the test. Add in the fact that I have to wear a mask and I'm like...no thank you not today! It'll be fine but I just wanted to complain for a moment ;)

I've been still feeling so bad that Kelly and Zack aren't able to come to any appointments. We haven't had any exciting ones since the 20 week ultrasound but it really bums me out. Every time I get an email from my OB, I cross my fingers that it says I can bring a visitor with me. Thankfully we have kept in touch well and I am so hopeful that we can at least plan dinner or something before the baby comes. Speaking of which...whoa that is coming up quickly! We have a date for my scheduled c-section (all of my prior deliveries have been c-sections), which is nice because it finally feels more official.

Third trimester is starting off with some rib discomfort and annoyance that none of my shirts fit, but I'll take it! It could be so much worse. We've been spending a lot of time outside even though it's freakin hot- don't worry, I've been eating enough ice cream to keep my body temp in a safe range :) I have been trying to stay moving and active but it's getting harder to convince myself to do! I still can't believe that I have been given the chance to do this and that we are less than 3 months away from a baby- so grateful and happy to be on this ride!

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