
Thursday, September 24, 2020

 Earlier this week I was thinking of what I would put on my to-do list for next week since I would be in quarantine and need to keep busy. Turns out, the to-do list will have to wait, because we had a baby this morning!

If you don't want the details, here's the short version. My water broke on it's own last night and I met Zack and Kelly at the hospital- three hours later, they were holding their sweet baby girl in their arms! We are all doing great!

Here's the longer version with the grosser details. I was putting my big kids to bed when I felt a weird...trickle? But I have never gone into labor on my own and did not think it was something I was even capable of doing to be honest. So I just kind of ignored it and went on with the night. Kameron and I watched an episode of a show we just started and I felt the trickle a few more times and thought wellllll maybe this is something to worry about? I told him I thought maybe my water was leaking and we were both like- what do we do? We've never had this problem before, ha! We started another episode of our show and kind of debated if I should call the nurse line at my OB office. I ended up calling and while I was on the phone, there was a definite gush and I could not stop laughing about it. The poor woman from the answering service was trying to take all my information so that the doctor could call me back and she had to ask me to repeat the same thing 3 times because I was laughing too hard! The doctor called back and said I should head to labor and delivery to be checked out. Naturally, I had packed a bag on Monday before my doctor appointment, just in case, but then unpacked it when I got home that day. Kameron helped me pack up some things and call Zack and Kelly to let them know we might be having a baby! Unfortunately since we don't have any local family, Kameron had to stay home with our sleeping babies and I drove myself to the hospital, wrapped in towels and listening to 90's hip hop the whole way.

When I got to the hospital, I went straight to triage where they swabbed me for amniotic fluid and administered a Covid test (100% do not recommend, ew). Zack and Kelly arrived and we went back and forth like-- how is this real?! Because it definitely did not seem real! We had a date scheduled for the baby to come and I think we were all kind of in disbelief that it was happening before that. The swab came back positive for fluid, confirming that my water had broken, and the Covid test came back negative, so I got to ditch my mask, and off we went! Zack and Kelly got to be with me in the operating room and see their beautiful baby girl be born. I cannot even express how amazing it was to see their expressions when the doctor held her up! They had both guessed that she would be a boy :) 

We are all healthy and recovering well! I am still pinching myself that this is real- I was not expecting this baby to come on her own! This has been such a wonderful journey and it's hard to believe that our goal has officially been met- Zack and Kelly have their baby in their arms! Since she is not mine to share, I won't post her photo, but know that she's as cute as they come (and here's me in my fancy gown, as a replacement, ha!).

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