12 weeks

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

how far along: 12 weeks
weight gain & stretch marks?: down 5 lbs somehow & no stretch marks. 
best moment this week: seeing the babe on our ultrasound today! 
worst moment this week: headaches. this might be my answer every week.
miss anything?: not particularly this week
symptoms & movement: headaches & that little bump up there! i could swear i felt a little flutter the other day, but it's still pretty early. who knows.
cravings & aversions: mexican, i need it. not real fond of chicken still. 
mood: so happy :)
looking forward to: my mom's visit in a few weeks & my bump getting big enough that it can't be mistaken for a gut.

we had our 12 week ultrasound this morning and it was so cool to see boo (that's the baby's name until further notice...because halloween, duh) bouncing around in there & looking like an actual baby. last time it looked just like a little blob. we were able to see all the limbs and fingers- so awesome. i couldn't believe how wiggly it was, pushing off my insides to do flips and rolls. the dr. said everything looks great minus my weight loss, and that all i need to worry about is eating more ice cream. yay! 



  1. I lost 7 lbs in first trimester. Only up 21 total now that I'm 38 weeks. Some people gain a lot and some people don't. You and I are very similar shape, so you might not gain as much as the "books say you should". Depends on your metabolism as well. I've always had a hard time gaining weight so I'm not surprised that it continued into pregnancy.

    1. I have always had a hard time as well! Glad to know that you had a similar experience and have a healthy baby cooking though. I've been reading horror stories about the baby coming way early and being tiny when the mom doesn't gain enough. Probably should put down the books :)


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