
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I can't think of a better name for this post. I have so much to do in the next 2 months, and yet I sit here writing on this blog, eating, and watching the biggest loser (note: I am having a healthy dinner :))

The past couple weeks have been really busy, and I don't really see an end to that soon. I might have already said this, but I am booked solid until like the middle of May. For some reason, I have all of these random little things that are coming up unexpectedly too, which only adds to the chaos.

This week is "fashion week" at Iowa State. I will be selling t shirts and showing around a bunch of high school kids in addition to being at 3 dress rehearsals plus the fashion show. Let's just say I am really looking forward to Sunday. Being involved with the fashion show this year has been really fun, but I am about at the end of my rope with it.

I am very excited about my pledge class's upcoming graduation party. I sent out maybe 8 invites on facebook today. I am mildly irritated that someone else invited my own fiance before I could, but I am sure that by the end of the night I will be over it. Free food & drinks...nothing to be mad about there :)

I think that each day closer to the wedding brings another thing for me to do. My mom & aunt came up this past weekend to dress shop for it, and by the time they left I think I added about 12 things to my to-do list. It's getting really stressful but I am so so excited. It will be worth it :) Plus, in 68 days I will be sipping on a fruity drink on the warm beaches of Jamaica! My goal for the end of this month is to finish my freakin shoes. Only 9845396735984 billion rhinestones left to add. Wish me luck.

I'm feeling like I should go do something useful with my free until next time.
xoxo e

1 comment:

  1. First of all! I am REALLY going to try to make it up to the graduation party!!! I am kind of sick of CR so actually its just a good excuse to get away :) plus I am sooooo excited for you to graduate...and mildly sad since this means we are all adults. Second, I clearly have never had to do wedding stuff BUT just remember that in the end all of your guests are just there to see you and Kam get married and celebrate a beginning for you guys. We would love you guys if you just decided to go to the court what I am trying to say is try not to stress too much (even though i know you are a perfectionist)love you my dear :)


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